Well, I guess SOMEBODY had to read “Trigger Warning”

The little story of a big man.

From the reviews:

The best three parts of this book:

1) Jake is big

2) Jake is a real life asshole, so the antagonists have to be ridiculously, absurdly, cartoonishly evil in order to make him look even remotely relatable.

3) Jake is really very big

This is the very embodiment of "...and then everyone stood up and clapped" energy. Like, if that wasn't the final sentence of the book, then what even was the point?

 I have no words. This author's depiction of a veteran is troubling. As a veteran I can say that not all of us gun-toting psychopaths. And living in the dorm? I don't know if we get to his age, but he has to be at least 21, but seeing how hard a professor goes for him, I would hope he would be older. With access to the GI bill and what has to be a pretty wealthy family, he would have no issue living off campus. Dealing with his PTSD is not in an RAs job description. Throw in his flagrant disregard for the rules of campus, and how we are introduced to a police chief who hates those he is there to protect, and a professor who hates where she teachers, I have nothing.


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