25 Movies To Boost Your Serotonin In 2020

Best feel-good movies to lift your spirits in 2020 Subscribe: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Screenrant We all need a bit of a pick me up from 2020, wouldn’t you agree? It’s been a tough year so why not focus on some movies that sure to lift your spirits in the best way possible! We all would love that extra shot of serotonin that only a really feel-good movie can provide, so that’s why today we’re making a list of some of the best feel-good movies of all time. What do you think made the list? Sure, there are classics like It’s a Wonderful Life, which taught us all that value of having friends, as well as things like The Princess Bride, which might be the most perfect movie ever made? Fine, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but seriously, The Princess Bride is so good! And if you want to see an ending that truly reminds you how great of an actor Sean Connery was, you need to check out Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade again. But there are a ton of others with great, impactful endings and this list might include ones you would never expect! So go ahead and check out the list of the most feel-good movie endings of all time. Once you’re done, let us know in the comments what your favorite movie on the list is as well as some that we may have missed! Then of course, be sure to hit that big like and subscribe button for more awesome movie content like this! Thanks for watching Screen Rant! Let’s get started! Check out the Behind The Screen Podcast - By Screen Rant on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/6sMJkP1E4N7kPYL5v9OW3v Our Social Media: https://twitter.com/screenrant https://www.facebook.com/ScreenRant https://www.linkedin.com/company/screen-rant/ Our Website: http://screenrant.com/ Written by: Jacoby Bancroft Narrated by: Jacoby Bancroft Edited by: Peter G For copyright matters please contact us at: legal@valnetinc.com

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