Every Bomb You Make

"Every Bomb You Make" is a parody of the 1983 Police song, "Every Breath You Take.". The real Sting agreed to sing it in exchange for copies of every episode of the first series.
The song is a protest song against the Cold War and the ills of the world in general and features the puppets of Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Arthur Scargill, Ian MacGregor, Ian Paisley, Konstantin Chernenko, Robert Mugabe, Fidel Castro, Colonel Gadaffi, Erich Honecker, Idi Amin, Leonid Brezhnev, Adolf Hitler, Indira Gandhi, Ruhollah Khomaini and P.W. Botha.

By the final line, it is revealed that the singer of the song is none other than Death himself, who glares eerily at the screen as the sun in the background finally sets, seemingly promising those featured in the song that in the end, he will claim them too, as no one is above Death and his final judgement...

- Description from "Spitting Image Wiki", full text and authors see here.

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